System: Windows
MVSTracker MD is a modified version of the tracker done by Ivan for the MVS System. Special thanks goes to Charles for his clues.
Download MVS Tracker for Megadrive
Download MVS Tracker for Megadrive Sources
Main additions
- a z80 driver for the md, off course
- tracker can load exported y12 instruments from genskmod
- tracker can export test md rom
- tracker can export music binary suitable for the md z80 driver
How to use it
Once your composition is good, export the binary using “export MVS0…” from the file menu.Include the resulting file in your code and here follow how to use the driver:
1) Give the driver, the address of the song
move.l #Song_Address,d0
move.l #$a0151a,a0
move.b d0,(a0)+
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a0)+
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a0)+
move.l #$a0151d,a0
move.b #2,(a0)+
in more human readable language:
#$a0151a = SongAddress & 0xf
#$a0151b = (SongAddress>>8) & 0xf
#$a0151c = (SongAddress>>16) & 0xf
2) Give the play command
move.l #$a0151d,a0
move.b #2,(a0)+ ; 0 :silence 1: loop play 2: play once
Pseudo code:
#$a0151d = Command (0 :silence 1: loop play 2: play once)